My Revelation of Remembrance

University Of Salvington
1 min readOct 17, 2016

My Father’s love is absolute .. a guarantee to bring about thine transformations into the Kingdom as ye abide in Me.

Yet .. question only thine faith and trust conviction .. thine confidence in Him with the freedom of thy willing choices for eternity .. thine constancy of intention to gain the Kingdom .. and finally .. thine willingness to become obediently cooperative and thine growing capacity to receive of this great and powerful love for all thine ailing woes.

Place thy trust in My Father’s bountiful Spirit of Bestowal who lives in you .. to expand through you .. and to permanently establish His Harmony and Happiness in you.

As ye have availed thineself of these things which I give to you .. so shall My Father’s Kingdom become revealed in you.

Michael Of Nebadon
Michael Of Nebadon Foundation

The Epochal Revelation of the Spirit of Truth Holy Comforter of Michael Of Nebadon

